North America Remote Duel
Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
North America Remote Duel
MORE LINKS & INFORMATION You can select more information and view the Regisration/Main Event and Public Event schedules for this event from the drop-down menu at the top of this page.
Date & AddressDecember 10 - December 11 Hosted on Discord (check schedule) |
Registration & Event Schedule (Main Event) |
REGISTRATION & EVENT SCHEDULE Registration for the Remote Duel YCS opens Wednesday, November 16th at midnight PT. Registration will remain open until 11:59 PM PT on Wednesday, December 7th, 2022. Any Duelist that does not register before this time will only be able to register late. Late registration will open at midnight PT on December 8th, 2022 and remain open until 10:00 AM PT on December 10th, 2022. Anyone that registers late will receive a one (1) round loss for the Remote Duel YCS.
Public Events |
Q: What are the different types of Public Events? A:
*These events require Deck Lists
2023 Regional Qualifier Prize
ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Prize Accesscode Talker
Royal Straight Slasher
DUEL LINKS Prizes Blue-Eyes White Dragon (chibi) pin DUEL LINKS Prize Patches
Rivalry of Warlords Prize Rivalry of Warlords Game Mat
Speed Duel ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Prize Don Zaloog
Elemental HERO Tempest
Speed Duel Prizes Speed Duel Game Mats
Speed Duel Coin
Structure Deck: Dark World Prize Structure Deck: Dark World Game Mat
Time Wizard Prize Time Wizard Game Mat
Win-A-Mat Tournament Prize Win-A-Mat Game Mat
Yu-Gi-Oh! Day Tournament Prizes Yu-Gi-Oh! Day Game Mat and Mini Mat Yu-Gi-Oh! Day Field Center Card
Q: When are Public Events scheduled? A: Public Events will be scheduled throughout the weekend to give all Duelists as many opportunities to compete as they desire. All times in the schedule below are Pacific Time (PT):
Q: How do I sign up for Public Events? A: All Duelists who wish to register for Public Events during the Remote Duel YCS should do so on the Tournament Organizer’s website below. You will first need to create a login for the site, and then you will be able to register for events. The invite link for the Discord Server Yu-Gi-Oh! Remote Duel Extravaganza is:
Q: What are the point values for the Public Events? A:
No Public Event Points are awarded to the following events:
Duelists must be present for the start of the first round of each event for which they register, in order to receive the entry points. You cannot register in more than one event at a time. If you register for an event while you are still enrolled in a previous event, you will forfeit all Public Event points for all events in which you are simultaneously registered.
Q: What is the Public Events playoff? A: The Public Events playoff gives eight (8) hopeful Duelists a chance to win their very own copy of the coveted Super Rare YCS Prize Card! There are two different playoffs, each of which awards the YCS Prize Card to the winner. Playoff 1: The four (4) Duelists who have accumulated the highest number of Public Event points will play two rounds of Single-Elimination to determine a winner, who will receive a Super Rare copy of the YCS Prize Card. In case of a tie in total points, the selection will be made by random drawing from the tied competitors. Playoff 2: Four (4) names will be drawn at random from all Public Events entrants over the course of the weekend. These four (4) Duelists will then play two rounds of Single-Elimination to determine a winner, who will receive a Super Rare copy of the YCS Prize Card.
Q: How long will each Remote Duel Match last? A: Each Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 50-minute time limit. Each Speed Duel Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 40-minute time limit. Each DUEL LINKS Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 45-minute time limit. Each MASTER DUEL Remote Duel Match will be a best 2-out-of-3 Duel with a 50-minute time limit.
Q: What is a Single-Elimination Tournament? A: Half of the tournament is eliminated after each round – the losing Duelist is out of the tournament, while the winner goes on to the next round. This continues until only one Duelist remains, which is then declared the winner.
Q: What is a Dragon Duel? A: Dragon Duel tournaments are exclusive to Duelists born before a certain calendar year, with the calendar year requirement moving forward after the World Championship each year. The current year requirement is for Duelists born on 2009 or later. Dragon Duel tournaments are exclusive to Duelists born 2009 or later. Dragon Duels give a chance to earn an invite to the Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier. It is run using Swiss Rounds without a Top Cut playoff.
The Dragon Duels at the RDYCS will offer a competitive Advanced Format Constructed Deck Tournament. There is no registration fee for the Dragon Duel tournament. Participants are required to provide proof of age to participate in a Dragon Duel (Copy of Birth Certificate, Passport, etc.). Duelists must be born in 2009 or later. A minimum of four (4) Duelists is required to run each Dragon Duel tournament.
Q: What is the Advanced Format Constructed Dragon Duel? A: For the Advanced Format Constructed Tournament, Decks must be constructed per the latest Advanced Format guidelines. (See here for more information: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/index.html). The Forbidden & Limited list is updated periodically; refer to the “UPDATED” date on that page to ensure your Deck matches the current format A Deck list is required for participation in the Advanced Format Constructed Deck Dragon Duel Tournament. Dragon Duel tournaments are Tier 2 events.
Q: What are the prizes for the Advanced Format Constructed Dragon Duel? A: Top 4 Duelists in the Advanced Format Constructed Deck Dragon Duel tournament will receive a 2023 Regional Game Mat, a Dragon Duel Medal, and a Dragon Duel T-Shirt. In addition to the prizes listed above, invites awarded in the Dragon Duel for the Dragon Duel World Championship Qualifier are based off of attendance, with the top-ranking Duelists after the final round of Swiss earning an invite to the Dragon Duel WCQ.
All Duelists who earn an invite to the Dragon Duel WCQ or their guardian must fill out a copy of the WCQ Invite Form prior to receiving their prizes. A valid e-mail address must be provided for either the Duelist or the guardian. Duelists are required to complete and submit a WCQ Invite form on site. Prizes are not awarded until after the WCQ Invite forms have been completed and properly submitted. The winner of the Saturday Dragon Duel will not be able to participate in the Sunday Dragon Duel, but the winner from the Saturday Dragon Duel and the winner from the Sunday Dragon Duel will compete for the Dragon Duel Trophy on Sunday at 4:30 PM. The winner from both the Saturday Advanced Constructed Deck Dragon Duel and the Sunday Advanced Constructed Deck Dragon Duel will compete for the title of YCS Dragon Duel Champion and a YCS Dragon Duel Champion Trophy.
Q: What is the YCS Dragon Duel Championship? A: The YCS Dragon Duel Championship is a way to honor our Dragon Duelists who attend each YCS event. The Dragon Duelist who places 1st on the Saturday Advanced Constructed Deck Dragon Duel will not be able to compete in the Advanced Constructed Deck Dragon Duel on Sunday. They do instead get a free entry into any other Public Event on that Sunday of the YCS. At 4:30 PM on Sunday we will take the 1st place winners of the Advanced Constructed Deck Dragon Duels from both Saturday and Sunday and have them play a best 2-out-of-3 Match using their own constructed Deck. The winner will receive the title of YCS Dragon Duel Champion, a YCS Dragon Duel Championship trophy, and a Super Rare set of the Darklord YCS Prize Cards.
Q: What are the rules for the 3 vs. 3 Team Dueling event? A: The 3 vs. 3 Team Dueling event will be Remote Duel Advanced Format Constructed, Single-Elimination with no Playoff Cut. Duelists must confirm when registering which Duelist is Duelist A, which Duelist is Duelist B, and which Duelist is Duelist C. If you have any questions about how to do so, please ask event staff for help before you finish registering. Once you register, the determination of who is Duelist A, who is Duelist B, and who is Duelist C cannot be altered. Duelist A is the Team Captain and is the primary point of contact in regard to administrative purposes. Each team must register a Team Name. Team Names may not be offensive or disrespectful in any manner. Event Staff reserve the right to request a new team name if they feel the name may be inappropriate. Here are the basic rules:
Example of play: Team 1 (Duelist A1, Duelist B1, and Duelist C1) and Team 2 (Duelist A2, Duelist B2, and Duelist C2) play each other in Round 1.
At the end of the Round, the teams compare Match wins.
Since Team 1 has 2 Match wins, Team 1 wins the round.
Q: What are the Rules for DUEL LINKS Remote Duel Tournaments? A: This event allows you to use your own device and connect to others remotely for a DUEL LINKS format, Single-Elimination event. Test your Deck builds in a Duel using the latest DUEL LINKS Forbidden and Limited restrictions to compete for DUEL LINKS Prize Patches and the new 1st place Pin! (while supplies last)!
Between each Duel, you may use your Side Deck to alter your Deck for the next Duel.
In case of a disconnect, win/loss will be determined by the result given in-game. If the app crashes, or both Duelists disconnect simultaneously and a win is not decided, the Duelists will restart that Duel using the same Decks. Side Decking will not be allowed for that specific Duel. Instructions on how the competitors can connect to the in-game Tournament Room will be provided once you are seated for the events. Duelists will need to have the latest DUEL LINKS app installed on their device and reached Stage 4 or higher to participate in Tournaments. The current version at the time of posting if v. 7.1.0, please check the announcements channel on the RD YCS server https://ycsdiscord.thesidedeck.com for the latest version prior to signing up for a DUEL LINKS event.
Q: What are the Rules for MASTER DUEL Remote Duel Tournaments? A: This event allows you to use your own device and connect to others remotely for a MASTER DUEL format, Single-Elimination event. Test your Deck builds in a Duel using the latest MASTER DUEL Forbidden and Limited restrictions to compete for MASTER DUEL Prizes (while supplies last)!
Between each Duel, you may use your Side Deck to alter your Deck for the next Duel.
In case of a disconnect, win/loss will be determined by the result given in-game. If the app crashes, or both Duelists disconnect simultaneously and a win is not decided, the Duelists will restart that Duel using the same Decks. Side Decking will not be allowed for that specific Duel. Instructions on how the competitors can connect to the in-game Tournament Room will be provided once you are seated for the events. Duelists will need to have the latest MASTER DUEL app installed on their device to participate in Tournaments. The latest version of MASTER DUEL is v1.02.
Q: What are the rules for the Remote Duel Speed Duel Constructed Tournament? A: Duelists can bring their own Speed Duel Deck and play in a Constructed Speed Duel event.
To build your own Constructed Speed Duel Deck, you will need to follow these requirements before entering an event.
Players can review the Speed Duel Policy Document here; https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/penalty_guide/Speed_Duel_Addendum-Official_KDE-US_YGO_TCG_Policy.pdf In addition to the Speed Duel Policy Document, Speed Duelists should be aware of Skill Card Text and Skill Card Rules updates. These changes can be reviewed here: https://yugiohblog.konami.com/2021/11/skillcard-update/.
Q: What is the Speed Duel Public Events Limited List for the Remote Duel YCS? A: Speed Duel Public Events Limited List: The Remote Duel YCS will implement an event-only Limited List for all Speed Duel Public Events (Win-a-Mat and ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!!). This Limited List is legal on the weekend of the Remote Duel YCS and only at the Remote Duel YCS. Duelists must comply with the list if they wish to participate in Speed Duel Public Events. The list will be available on the Public Events Discord for Duelists to reference.
The Speed Duel Limited List works like the Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS Forbidden and Limited List.
Limited 1: Only 1 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 1” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.
Limited 2: Only 2 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 2” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.
Limited 3: Only 3 of the following cards out of all the cards that are “Limited 3” can be used in your Deck & Side Deck.
Q: What are the rules for the Structure Deck: Dark World Tournament? A: Duelists registering for this event will need to already own an intact copy of Structure Deck: Dark World to participate in the Tournament(s).
Q: What are the rules for Tag Duel Tournaments? A: Besides the 3 vs. 3 Team events, Duelists can also pair up to play cooperatively in Tag Duel! Tag Duel Tournaments are Advanced constructed, Single-Elimination events with no playoff cut. Duelists must register using a Team Registration Form. The Duelist listed as Player A will be team captain for administrative purposes. Each team must register a Team Name. The Team Name must be written on the top of the Registration Form. Team Names may not be offensive or disrespectful in any manner. Event Staff reserve the right to request a new team name if they feel the name may be inappropriate. Here are the basic rules:
Example of Play Duelists on the same team sit beside each other, with Duelist A seated to the right of Duelist B. Team 1 consists of Duelists 1A & 1B and Team 2 consists of Duelists 2A & 2B. The Turn order starts with Duelist A on the Team that chose to go first and then alternates between teams. See example below with Team 1 going first.
Attacking The active Duelist can only attack with Attack Position monsters that they control. Duelists may not attack with their teammate’s monsters. If there is a monster on the opponent’s side of the field (in either Duelist’s Main/Extra Monster Card Zones) then it must be destroyed before attacking the opponent’s life points directly. The first 3 Duelists of the Duel (see above, Duelists 1A, 2A and 1B) cannot conduct their Battle Phase and cannot attack on their first turns. Additional Rules and Card Effect interaction examples can be found here on the Alternate Tournament Format Page.
Q: What are the rules for Time Wizard Tournaments? A: Time Wizard events use the available Cards, Forbidden & Limited List, and game rules from the era determined by the chosen format for the tournament you enter. There will primarily be two Time Wizard formats offered as Public Events at the Remote Duel YCS. The first format will use the April 2005 Forbidden and Limited List, and the last legal set will be Dark Beginnings 2. This will be the “July 2005” format Time Wizard event. The second format will use the March 2010 Forbidden and Limited List, and the last legal set will be Duelist Pack: Kaiba. This will be the “April 2010” format Time Wizard event. While these two formats will be the primary formats offered, they aren’t the only formats possible! If you and your friends would like to play a different format, come chat with event staff at Public Events to get your preferred format started!
Q: What are the rules for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Charity Tournament? A: The Yu-Gi-Oh! Charity Tournament is a special Advanced Constructed format event with 4 Swiss rounds with no top cut. This is a fun tournament with great prizing to help raise money for charity. Duelists will pay $22.00 to receive four (4) tournament packs and registration in the event. This is the cost of four (4) tournament packs in the local currency, including any taxes and fees. Duelists will earn tournament packs as prizing based on final record. Duelists with 12 Match Points at the end of Swiss will get 16 tournament packs as prizing Duelists with 10 Match Points at the end of Swiss will get 12 tournament packs as prizing Duelists with 9 Match Points at the end of Swiss will get 8 tournament packs as prizing Duelists with 7 or 8 Match Points at the end of Swiss will get 6 tournament packs as prizing Duelists with 6 Match Points at the end of Swiss will get 4 tournament packs as prizing Duelists with 4 or 5 Match Points at the end of Swiss will get 3 tournament packs as prizing Duelists with 3 Match Points at the end of Swiss will get 2 tournament packs as prizing The money collected from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Charity Tournament will be donated to UNICEF for their continuing efforts to help with disaster relief.
Q: What is the Public Events playoff? A: The Public Events playoff gives eight (8) hopeful Duelists a chance to win their very own copy of the coveted YCS Prize Card! There are two different playoffs, each of which awards the YCS Prize Card to the winner. Playoff 1: The four (4) Duelists who have accumulated the highest number of Public Event points will play two rounds of Single-Elimination to determine a winner, who will receive a Super Rare copy of the YCS Prize Card. In case of a tie in total points, the selection will be made by random drawing from the tied competitors. Playoff 2: Four (4) names will be drawn at random from all Public Events entrants over the course of the weekend. These four (4) Duelists will then play two rounds of Single-Elimination to determine a winner, who will receive a Super Rare copy of the YCS Prize Card.
Q: What is the Prize Wall? A: The Prize Wall is an extension of public events! In addition to earning prizes for participating in these tournaments, Duelists can also receive virtual prize tickets. You can redeem these virtual prize tickets at the Prize Wall for items offered. These items are subject to change, and to availability. How do I earn Virtual Prize Tickets?
*The Remote Duel YCS does not award tickets* Virtual prize tickets can be redeemed by contacting the tournament organizer in the #prize-wall-redemption channel on the Remote Duel YCS Discord server. Redemptions are on a first-come, first-serve basis as quantities of items available are limited. Additionally, virtual prize tickets have no monetary value, and are not for sale. Virtual prize tickets can only be redeemed through 5:00 PM PT on Monday, December 12th, 2022. They cannot be used at a future event. |
Qualifiers |
VIP QUALIFIERS Want to be a VIP (Very Important Player) at the Remote Duel YCS ? Locations for the VIP Qualifier Tournaments have been posted! |
Remote Duel YCS FAQs |
Invitations and Prizes
World Qualifying Points
Card Legality
Public Events
Remote Duel YCS Information Q: What is Remote Duel? A: Remote Duel is Sanctioned Organized Play hosted in a virtual environment, run on designated Discord Servers. To participate, TCG Duelists will need a webcam, smartphone, or tablet to display their field to their opponent.
You can find more details on Remote Duel on our website:
All Duelists who wish to register for Public Events during the Remote Duel YCS will do so via the Tournament Organizer. Please see the “When are Public Events scheduled?” question below for registration times for Public Events. Duelists should review and take note of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Policy document to prepare for events. Prior to registering for events, Duelists should read the Remote Duel Best Practices Guide, which also includes a list of cards Forbidden in Remote Duel only.
Q: How do I enter the Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (Remote Duel YCS)? A: Duelists in North America will pay $25.00 USD to receive five (5) booster packs of Darkwing Blast and registration in the event. This includes all taxes and fees, including shipping and handling for all packs purchased and prizing earned.
Q: Who is eligible to compete in the Remote Duel YCS? A: To take part and compete in the Remote Duel YCS, a Duelist needs to meet the following criteria.
Q: How do I register for the Remote Duel YCS? A: All registration for the Remote Duel YCS will be done on the website of the Tournament Organizer assisting KDE-US in hosting this event. You will first need to create a login for the site, and then you will be able to register for the Remote Duel YCS. Registration for the Remote Duel YCS opens Wednesday, November 16th at midnight Pacific Time (PT). Registration closes at 11:59 PM PT on Wednesday, December 7th. You do not need to turn in a Deck List when you register, but you must turn in a Deck List on the registration website before 10:00 AM PT on Friday, December 9th. If you do not submit a Deck List on the registration website by the 10:00 AM PT deadline, you will be automatically dropped from the event. You can create your Deck List on the registration website here: Duelists are required to have a mailing address in either the United States or Canada to participate in this event. When you register on The Side Deck website, the address you list there is the shipping address that will be used for all prizing shipments after the event is concluded. During the Remote Duel YCS, the Remote Duel events will be conducted using Discord Servers to make it easy for attendees to interact with Event Staff, Judges, and of course, their opponents.
Q: How do I obtain the new Pre-Registration Yu-Gi-Oh! Coin? A: All Duelists that register on time (before Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT) and submit their Deck Lists through the online system by 10:00 AM Friday, December 9th, 2022 will receive one random Pre-Registration Yu-Gi-Oh! Coin, while supplies last.
Q: How do I create an account on the registration website for the Remote Duel YCS? A: You can find a Guide on how to register for an account on the registration website at https://events.thesidedeck.com/Account/HowToRegister.aspx. The guide has step-by-step instructions, including images, to help you register for events.
Q: How do I register for an event on the registration website for the Remote Duel YCS? A: You can find a Guide on how to register for events at https://events.thesidedeck.com/Events/HowToRegister.aspx. The guide has step-by-step instructions, including images, to help you register for events.
Q: When is registration for the Remote Duel YCS? A: Registration for the Remote Duel YCS opens Wednesday, November 16th at midnight PT. Registration will remain open until 11:59 PM PT on Wednesday, December 7th, 2022. Any Duelist that does not register before this time will only be able to register late. Late registration will open at midnight PT on December 8th, 2022 and remain open until 10:00 AM PT on December 10th, 2022. Anyone that registers late will receive a one (1) round loss for the Remote Duel YCS.
Q: What is the format for the Remote Duel YCS? A: The Remote Duel YCS tournament is a Constructed – Advanced Format event, which means each Duelist must use his or her own Deck to compete. Decks must be constructed per the latest Advanced Format guidelines. (See here for more information: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/index.html.) The Forbidden & Limited list is updated periodically; refer to the “UPDATED” date on that page to ensure your Deck matches the current format. Duelists should also make certain they are familiar with the Remote Duel Forbidden List of cards as well: Card Name – Forbidden in Remote Duel Ancient Telescope
Q: What Discord server will host the Remote Duel YCS? A: Due to limitations inherent to Discord, Day 1 of the Remote Duel YCS will be held on multiple Discord servers. Each additional server will be assigned a group of table numbers. Please make sure you have joined all additional Discord servers before the start of Round 1 so that you are prepared to play immediately. The invite links for the additional servers being used can be found in the #announcements channel on the Remote Duel YCS Discord server. You can join the Remote Duel YCS Discord server at https://ycsdiscord.thesidedeck.com.
Q: How many rounds will the Remote Duel YCS have? A: The total number of Duelists registered will determine the number of rounds that are played on each host Discord server.
Q: How many Duelists will advance to Day 2? A: The number of Duelists that advance to Day 2 will be determined by the total number of Duelists registered in the Remote Duel YCS. If there are 512 Duelists or fewer registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then the Top 32 Duelists will advance to Day 2. If there are 513 – 1024 Duelists registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then all Duelists with a minimum of 16 Points will advance to Day 2. If there are 1025 or more Duelists registered for the Remote Duel YCS, then all Duelists with a minimum of 19 Points will advance to Day 2.
Q: How many Duelists will advance to the Top Cut? A: If there are 2048 or fewer Duelists registered for the Remote Duel YCS, including late entries, the tournament will cut to Top 32 after all rounds of Swiss are completed. If the Top Cut is 32 Duelists, prizes will be awarded down to the 32nd place. If there are 2049 or more Duelists, the tournament will cut to Top 64 after all rounds of Swiss are completed. If the Top Cut is 64 Duelists, prizes will be awarded down to the 64th place.
Q: Will any matches be on a Livestream? A: There will not be a Livestream of the Remote Duel YCS. You can follow written coverage of the event at https://yugiohblog.konami.com.
Q: What will I need to participate in the Remote Duel YCS tournament? A: You should have a tournament-legal Deck as described under “What is the format for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series?,” along with any tournament supplies you will need, such as paper and pen to track Life Points, dice or counters if you are using cards which require them, extra sleeves to replace any that become damaged, and so forth. If you have a CARD GAME ID number, you should have your number. You will also need a functional Remote Duel setup. You can find more information on Remote Duel technical requirements here: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/remoteduel/Remote Duel Set Up Guide.pdf
Q: I don’t have a Remote Duel Setup. Is there anything I can do to participate? A: Some Official Tournament Stores (OTS) maintain Remote Duel Stations to allow Remote Duelists to participate in local tournaments. These same Remote Duel Stations can be used to participate in the Remote Duel YCS. You can find a list of OTS offering their Remote Duel Stations at https://yugiohblog.konami.com/2022/01/remote-duel-ycs-stations-jan022/, but quantities are limited so please make sure to contact the store as soon as possible. There may be other OTS that have phone mounts that we have provided them that they can give away to Duelists as well, so reach out to your OTS to check.
Q: How do I create my Deck List on the registration website? A: You can find a Guide on creating, copying, and registering your Deck List on the registration website at https://events.thesidedeck.com/Decks/HowToCreateAndRegisterDecks.aspx.
Q: If I’ve never participated in a Remote Duel YCS tournament, what should I expect? A: Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series are among the biggest of all Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments and attract Duelists of all ages and skill levels. You can expect to interact with hundreds of fellow Yu-Gi-Oh! fans from all over. First time Duelists should review and take note of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Policy document to prepare for events. And also, the Remote Duel Best Practices Guide, which also includes a list of cards Forbidden in Remote Duel only. There are a lot of things you should do to make sure you are prepared before participating in the tournament. Read over the list of things you will need for the tournament, and make sure you have everything. It is your responsibility to ensure all your equipment is in working order, that any necessary updates have been performed, and your internet connection is steady and reliable before the event begins. Wired, broadband connection is recommended. Check everything carefully so you are ready to play. Make sure to join all Day 1 Discord servers early. This will allow you time to reach out to the Tournament Organizer if there are any issues joining the server. You will need to register before the day of the event. Make sure to register during the timeframe provided in the “When is registration for the Remote Duel YCS?” section of this FAQ, to ensure you can play in the event. If you do not register before the end of the registration timeframe, you will not be able to enter the tournament when it begins. You’ll still be able to play, but you will not be able to enter the tournament until the second round begins and you will start with a Round One Match loss. To register, you’ll need to create an account on The Side Deck’s event website: https://events.thesidedeck.com. If you have registered online for any 2022 Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (YCS), played in any previous North America Remote Duel Extravaganza or Remote Duel YCS events, you should already have an account. You will also need a CARD GAME ID number – this is the ID number used to track you in the tournament. If you don’t already have one, you can get one by registering online at https://cardgame-network.konami.net/. If you have trouble registering for a CARD GAME ID, Event Staff will be able to help you register for one. If a tournament staff member needs to reach out about your registration, they will do so via Discord. Please watch your Discord notifications so you can respond to any questions! If you have a CARD GAME ID number and have lost or forgotten it, you can ask the Tournament Organizer staff to look it up for you. If you’ve played in a previous event, they may be able to retrieve your number. You can reach out to staff on the Tournament Organizer’s discord: https://ycsdiscord.thesidedeck.com. You will also need a Deck List. A Deck List is required to participate in the Remote Duel YCS tournament. You can create your Deck List on the Tournament Organizer’s website here: You will need to create an account on the website before you can submit a Deck List or register for any events. You will be able to save multiple Deck Lists to your account. There is a very helpful article on our strategy site that will help you fill out your Deck List properly. Just follow the link here: https:/yugiohblog.konami.com/articles/?p=3534 You do not need to submit your Deck List when you register for the Remote Duel YCS. However, your Deck List must be completed and submitted no later than 10:00 AM Pacific Time on Friday, December 9th, 2022. If your Deck List is not submitted by this time, you will be automatically dropped and receive no participation prizing, and your registration fee refunded the week after the Remote Duel YCS has concluded. Make sure you have created your Deck List on the website, and that it is complete and exactly matches your Deck before attempting to submit your Deck List for the Remote Duel YCS. If you need help creating or submitting your Deck List, please reach out to info@thesidedeck.com. Once a Deck List has been submitted it can no longer be changed. The Deck List is copied and locked as part of registering for that event. Even if you update your Saved Deck Lists on The Side Deck website, it will not alter that Deck List for any event you have already registered for. Duelists are responsible for paying attention to information from judges and/or tournament staff to understand what is going on. If Duelists have questions about the event either beforehand or while they are there, they should check with the Event Staff in the #ask-event-staff channel of their assigned server. Before participating in the event, all Duelists should read over the Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KDE-US) Tournament Policy and Penalty Guidelines carefully. These documents tell you what you can and cannot do at an event and give you a good idea of what to expect. You may find these Guidelines by clicking the following links. Tournament Policy: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/penalty_guide/YGOTCG_Policy_v_2_1.pdf Penalty Guidelines: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/penalty_guide/Penalty_Guidelines_v_2_1.pdf Remember, there is more to do at the Remote Duel YCS than just compete in the main tournament. There are lots of Public Events to participate in as well. Read over the FAQ carefully, and you’ll be off to a great start.
Q: Will the Remote Duel YCS have Remote Duel YCS VIPs (VIPs) and how do I qualify to be one? A: Yes! You can find a list of Remote Duel YCS VIP Qualifier events at https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/vip-qualifier/vip-qualifier-locations/#rdycs_na. A Duelist who earns VIP status receives the following benefits as a VIP:
Remote Duel YCS VIP Field Center Card Please note that all VIPs must still register on time. Their names will not appear on the first and second round pairings. Any Duelist that has earned VIP status will register at the same website as all other Duelists but will not need to provide Credit Card information. If you believe you have VIP status but are being required to provide Credit Card information to register, please reach out to Event Staff on The Side Deck’s Discord server (https://ycsdiscord.thesidedeck.com).
Q: Will there be meal breaks during the tournament? A: There will not be any meal breaks scheduled into the tournament.
Q: What happens if I am not done with my Match after time ends for a Round? A: Sometimes a Match will not be finished when the time ends for a Round. If this happens, it is both Duelists’ responsibility to note whose turn it is when time is called. Duelists who require assistance with the End of Match procedures should call for a judge. The judge should be notified that the Match is ongoing and whose turn it is. The judge may or may not stay to supervise the End of Match procedure but should ensure that both Duelists understand the following procedures. End of Match procedures should follow these three (3) rules: Rule #1: If time is called while Duelists are in the middle of a Game, the current Game must have a decision (Win, Loss, or Draw) Rule #2: Once the current Game has concluded with a decision, determine the winner of the Match by determining the number of Game Wins (or Game Losses) each Duelist has for the current Match. The Duelist with the most Game Wins will win the Match. Swiss Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time was called in between games of a Match when both Duelists had the same number of Game Wins, then the Match is a Draw. Single-Elimination Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time is called in between Games of a Match while both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, they will begin a new Duel with specific guidelines.
Rule #3: If a win condition occurs during End of Match Procedures, that Duelist wins the current Game. Keeping these three (3) rules in mind, please follow these instructions when proceeding to End of Match procedures:
Q: How do I find my table during the Remote Duel YCS? A: Each Round, pairings will be posted in a channel named #ycs-main-event-pairings in the Events channel on the Remote Duel YCS Discord server. This is the main Discord server for the Remote Duel YCS, not the additional servers set up for Tables. The pairings will be posted as a series of images. The images are the pairings for the Round, sorted by Duelist Last Name. Find your name on the Pairings to see the Table you are assigned for the Round. Alternatively, the same channel will also have a QR code posted to the Online Pairings website. For this website, you will enter your CARD GAME ID and the Online Pairings website will tell you what Table you are assigned for the Round. If you are not sure what your CARD GAME ID is, you can find it next to your name on the images of the pairings list and then use it for future rounds. Regardless of if you find your assigned table through the pairings images or the Online Pairings website, once you have that assigned Table, go to the appropriate Discord server. Each Discord server will have a Table range assigned. For example, the first additional Discord server will host Tables 1-400. The second additional Discord server will host Tables 401-800. This pattern will continue until there is enough Tables to seat all Duelists enrolled in the event. The invite links for each additional Discord server can be found pinned in the #announcements channel on the Remote Duel YCS Discord Server. Once you have found your assigned Table for the Round and gone to the appropriate additional Discord server, you will be able to find your assigned Table in the list of voice channels. For example, if you are assigned Table 20, you would find the voice channel ME Table 20 and join that for your match. Q: How do I report my match result during the Remote Duel YCS? A: Once you have completed your match, you can report your result in the #ycs-main-event text channel in the Events category on the Remote Duel YCS Discord server. This is the main Discord server setup for the Remote Duel YCS, not the additional servers setup for Tables. In the #ycs-main-event channel, you would report your match result using the appropriate command. To report winning the match, you would use the command: !report I won To report losing the match, you would use the command: !report I lost To report the match ended in a draw, you would use the command: !report we drew Regardless of the result of the match, all Duelists are required to report the result in the #ycs-main-event channel. So, regardless of whether you win, lose, or draw your match, make sure to report the result. Reporting your result in the #ycs-main-event channel is the equivalent of signing your match result at an in-person event. It helps event staff confirm that both Duelists agree with the reported result of the match.
Q: Where do I find information during the Remote Duel YCS? A: If you have any questions before, during, or after the Remote Duel YCS, you should first check the #faq text channel on the Remote Duel YCS Discord server. Many frequently asked questions have answers there. You should also check the #announcements channel for recent announcements that may answer your question. Finally, if you have not found an answer elsewhere, you can request assistance in the #ask-event-staff channel.
Invitations and Prizes Q: Do I need an invitation to participate in the Remote Duel YCS? A: You do not need an invitation to participate. This event is open to all eligible Duelists.
Q: Can I win an invite to a North America World Championship Qualifier? A: The Top 32 Duelists at the completion of the final round of Swiss play will earn an invite to a future World Championship Qualifier. If 2049 or more Duelists compete in the Remote Duel YCS, then the Top 64 Duelists will earn an invite to a future World Championship Qualifier.
Q: Are there any pack prizes apart from the five packs that everyone gets? A: 9th – 16th place will receive 24 booster packs of the most recent core booster release. This is the only product prize, outside of the five (5) participation packs, that will be awarded.
Q: What are the prizes for the Remote Duel YCS? A:
If attendance is 2049 Duelists or more, Duelists who rank 33rd to 64th will also receive a Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat, World Qualifying Points and an Invite to a future World Championship Qualifier tournament.
Q: What is the Top Cut Game Mat and Prize Card? Remote Duel YCS Prize Card Remote Duel YCS Top Cut Game Mat Remote Duel YCS Trophy World Qualifying Points Q: If I make the Top Cut, will I earn World Qualifying Points at the Remote Duel YCS? A: Yes, all the Duelists that make the top cut at the Remote Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event will earn World Qualifying Points.
Q: How do I find out more information about World Qualifying Points? A: More info regarding previously earned points and an updated leader board can be found on our website at https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/wqp/index.html
Card Legality Q: What cards are legal for play? A: Please check the “Products” page online at https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/products/ for at the most current legality dates of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG product releases, prior to preparing your Deck for the event.
Q: Is there an additional Forbidden List specific to Remote Duel? A: Certain types of card effects involving Private Knowledge cannot be successfully resolved in Remote Duel and are considered to be Forbidden in Remote Duel only. Cards Forbidden in Remote Duel are not Forbidden for in-person play, therefore they are not displayed on the Advanced or Traditional Format Forbidden & Limited List. Please consult with the Head Judge for the event if you have questions about the legality of cards in your Deck. This Forbidden List is in addition to the Forbidden and Limited list posted on the website. Card Name – Forbidden in Remote Duel Ancient Telescope
Q: Can I use OCG cards (cards printed for use in Japan and other Asian territories) in my Deck? A: No, cards printed for Asian markets are not legal for play in TCG tournaments, even if you have a translation available.
Q: Can I use foreign language cards in my Deck? A: You can use foreign language copies of legal-for-play cards printed for the TCG market, as long as you can show an official translation of the card, kept outside of your Deck and Deck box, when asked to do so by an opponent or tournament official. If an opponent or tournament official has difficulty reading the card text, make sure to have the full local language card name ready to ensure it can be found quickly in NEURON or the official Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database.
Q: Can I use Proxy cards in my Deck for Remote Duel? A: No. Duelists may not use any kind of proxy or substitute to represent another card. Photocopies, cards that have been relabeled, etc. are considered proxies and cannot be used in your Deck. If you have any concern about whether a card is allowed, please confer with the Head Judge of the event before using the card.
Public Events Q: Will there be Public Events? A: Yes, choose the Public Events Schedule from the menu at the top of this FAQ to view the schedule and more information about the Public Events for this YCS!
Miscellaneous Q: I may need assistance to participate in the Remote Duel YCS due to a disability or recent injury, what should I do? A: Please contact the Event Coordinator or Tournament Organizer of your assigned Discord server to make them aware of your concerns so that between them and the KDE-US Representatives, you can be provided with a comfortable gaming experience.
Q: I want to judge at the Remote Duel YCS, instead of competing as a Duelist – how can I apply? A: If you’re interested in judging at a Tier 2 or higher event, please visit http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/judges/index.html, for information about how to join the Konami Judge Program. All potential judges must pass the online Rulings Comprehension Level 1 test, and then complete an online application to join the Judge Program. Please see the Konami Judge Program FAQ for answers to most common questions: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/judges/judge-faq/
Q: Can I buy and sell from other people at the event? A: Duelists are not allowed to buy or sell from one another on Remote Duel YCS Discord servers. If you do so, you risk incurring penalties, including being disqualified and removed from the event. Buying and selling includes all items, not just cards or gaming supplies. Trading is restricted to cards and Yu-Gi-Oh! related items such as playmats and dice – attendees may not trade other items on Remote Duel YCS Discord servers. Attendees may not solicit business, distribute links to sites or servers, etc., while on the Remote Duel YCS Discord servers.
Q: Can I get a CARD GAME ID number at the Remote Duel YCS tournament, or will I need to have one before I attend the event? A: If you previously had a COSSY ID, that same number will carry over as your CARD GAME ID. You will still need to register online at https://cardgame-network.konami.net/. If you do not remember your previous 10-digit ID, an Event Staff member on The Side Deck’s Discord server should be able to assist in finding your correct ID. Please join The Side Deck’s Remote Duel YCS Discord server (https://ycsdiscord.thesidedeck.com) and post in #ask-event-staff for help finding your CARD GAME ID number. Duelists should avoid acquiring new CARD GAME IDs if the previous ID can be found. If you do not have a CARD GAME ID number, you can get one by registering online at https://cardgame-network.konami.net/.
Q: Are there any items I am not allowed to have visible in my Dueling Setup during the tournament? Attendees may not display or have visible any items that are prohibited by law in their area (local, state, or federal). In addition, unlawful items/transactions, weapons of any kind, and substance drugs which may be illegal on a local, state, and/or federal level, are not allowed at Sanctioned/Official events. Attendees who have any such items visible will incur penalties, including Disqualification and removal from the event, and risk suspension from KDE-US Organized Play. The use of electronic and/or vapor cigarettes are not permitted to be visible during any Sanctioned/Official Remote Duel events.
Q: What Tournament Policy information do I need to know for a Remote Duel Event? A: Duelists are responsible to know the information contained in KDE-US Official Tournament Policy documents, which can be found here: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/events/organizedplay/ As this is a Remote Duel event, please ensure you have read the Tournament Policy Remote Duel Addendum, found at https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/penalty_guide/Remote_Duel_Addendum_KDE-US_V-1.pdf, to ensure you are following all requirements for Remote Duel events.
Q: Am I allowed to stream or record any of my Matches? A: Duelists are not allowed to stream or record any of the Matches during this event.