This is the Online KONAMI Judge List for Latin America.
This is not the official KONAMI Judge Roster.
- The Online Judge List is not linked directly to the KONAMI Judge Roster.
- Registering in the KONAMI Judge Program will not automatically add your name to the Online KONAMI Judge List.
- Registered Judges who have requested to be included on the Online KONAMI Judge List will be added to this list by manual updates.
- There is no set schedule for these updates.
Names are listed as first name(s), last initial(s), and CARD GAME (COSSY) ID number.
Judges’ certifications have also been listed: Rulings Comprehension, Policy Comprehension, and Demo Comprehension. Registered Country of residence is also listed.
- Passing a certification test will not automatically update on the Online KONAMI Judge List.
- Certifications for individual judges will be added to the list by manual updates.
- There is no set schedule for these updates.
Konami Official Tournament Store (OTS) owners and Tournament Organizers can verify the registration status of a prospective judge by first checking this list.
- If the judge does not appear on this list, OTS and Tournament Organizers should email us-judgesupport@konami.com with the prospective judge’s full name and CARD GAME ID.
- The Judge team can then verify the prospective judge’s status.
- Judges who registered or completed certifications after 05/01/2024 may not be reflected in this update.
- Judges listed with incorrect information should email us-judgesupport@konami.com, providing their full name, CARD GAME ID, and a description of the error.
- This list does not update automatically and is not updated on a set schedule.
- Updates will occur as time permits.
Your name may not appear on the Online KONAMI Judge List for the following reasons:
- You are not a registered KONAMI Judge.
- You did not opt-in to have your name posted when you registered.
- You used an invalid CARD GAME ID number when you registered.
- You did not provide your CARD GAME ID number when you registered.
- You did not provide your full NAME when you registered.
- You did not register, or you did not completely fill out your information after agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
- You registered after the last update (listed below).
- This list is only for registered KONAMI Judges in Latin America.
If you feel there was an error you can e-mail: us-judgesupport@konami.com with a description of the problem. Please include your full name and CARD GAME ID number.
Last Updated: 05/10/2024